======================================== Minimum Version of Python and NumPy ======================================== - This project supports at least the minor versions of Python initially released 42 months prior to a planned project release date. - The project will always support at least the 2 latest minor versions of Python. - The project will support minor versions of ``numpy`` initially released in the 24 months prior to a planned project release date or the oldest version that supports the minimum Python version (whichever is higher). - The project will always support at least the 3 latest minor versions of NumPy. The minimum supported version of Python will be set to ``python_requires`` in ``setup``. All supported minor versions of Python will be in the test matrix and have binary artifacts built for releases. The project should adjust upward the minimum Python and NumPy version support on every minor and major release, but never on a patch release. This is consistent with NumPy `NEP 29 <https://numpy.org/neps/nep-0029-deprecation_policy.html>`__.