Source code for icarus_nmr.device_daq

DATAQ 4108 Device Level code

fully python3 compatible.

The main purpose of this module is to provide useful interface between DI-4108 and a server system level code that does all numbercrunching. This modules only job is to attend DI-4108 and insure that all data is collected and stored in a circular buffer.


import traceback
import psutil, os

from numpy import nan, mean, std, nanstd, asfarray, asarray, hstack, array, concatenate, delete, round, vstack, hstack, zeros, transpose, split, unique, nonzero, take, savetxt, min, max
import sys

if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    if sys.version_info[1] <= 7:
        from time import gmtime, strftime, time, sleep, clock
        from time import gmtime, strftime, time, sleep
        from time import perf_counter as clock
    from time import gmtime, strftime, time, sleep, clock

from pdb import pm

from logging import debug,info,warning,error

from timeit import Timer, timeit
from circular_buffer_numpy.queue import Queue

from ubcs_auxiliary.saved_property import DataBase, SavedProperty
from ubcs_auxiliary.threading import new_thread
from ubcs_auxiliary.advsleep import precision_sleep #home-made module for accurate sleep

[docs]class Device(): db = DataBase(root = 'TEMP', name = 'DI4108_DL') #: serial number, five character long string pr_serial_number = SavedProperty(db,'Serial Number', '00000').init() pr_AI_channels = SavedProperty(db,'Number of AI',8).init() pr_DI_channels = SavedProperty(db,'Number of DI',1).init() pr_rate = SavedProperty(db,'rate(Hz)', 4000).init() pr_baserate = SavedProperty(db,'baserate(Hz)', 20000).init() pr_dec = SavedProperty(db,'dec', 5).init() pr_DOI_config = SavedProperty(db,'DIO config', '1111111').init() pr_DOI_set = SavedProperty(db,'DIO set', '1111111').init() pr_packet_size = SavedProperty(db,'packet size', 64).init() pr_packet_buffer_size = SavedProperty(db,'pr_packet_buffer_size', 1000).init() pr_os_buffer = SavedProperty(db,'os_buffer', 12800).init() pressure_sensor_offset = SavedProperty(db,'pressure_sensor_offset', [69.5595, 65.562, 68.881375, 84.2195, 86.96075, 17.248, 17.322, 0]).init() # value read at atmoshperic pressure pg_period = SavedProperty(db,'pg_period', 5.0).init() pg_pre_pulse_width = SavedProperty(db,'pg_pre_pulse_width', 0.1).init() pg_depre_pulse_width = SavedProperty(db,'pg_depre_pulse_width', 0.1).init() pg_delay_width = SavedProperty(db,'pg_delay_width', 0.5).init() trigger_mode = 0 DIO_default = 126 def __init__(self): = 'DI4108_DL' self.device_info = {} self.device_info['empty'] = 'empty' self.task_name_dict = {} self.task_name_dict['empty'] = 'empty' self.pr_rate = (self.pr_baserate)/self.pr_dec self.pr_buffer_size = (int(self.pr_packet_size*self.pr_rate),10) self.queue = Queue(shape = self.pr_buffer_size, dtype = 'int16') self.OverflowFlag = False self.io_push_queue = None self.io_put_queue = None self.curr_dio = 127 self.user_set_dio = self.curr_dio self.run_once_counter = 0 self.threads = {}
[docs] def first_time_setup(self): """ set control variables to factory settings """ self.pr_AI_channels = 8 self.pr_DI_channels = 1 self.pr_packet_size = 128 self.pr_baserate = 20000 self.pr_dec = 5 self.pr_rate = self.pr_baserate*1.0/self.pr_dec self.pr_DOI_config = '1111111' #all outputs self.pr_DOI_set = '1111111' #all high self.pressure_sensor_offset = [69.5595, 65.562, 68.881375, 84.2195, 86.96075, 17.248, 17.322, 0]
[docs] def bind_driver(self, driver = None): """ bind driver to device instance """ self.driver = driver
def _set_priority(self): import traceback import platform # p = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) #source: # psutil.ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS # psutil.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS # psutil.HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS # psutil.IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS # psutil.NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS # psutil.REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS try: if platform.system() == 'Windows': p.nice(psutil.REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS) elif platform.system() == 'Linux': #linux FIXIT p.nice(-20) # nice runs from -20 to +12, where -20 the most not nice code(highest priority) except: error(trace.format_exc()) self.proccess = p
[docs] def init(self): """ initialize the DL program """ if self.driver is not None: self.driver.init() self.device_info = {**self.driver.get_hardware_information(),**self.device_info} self.stop() self.config_DL(baserate = self.pr_baserate,dec = self.pr_dec, DOI_config = self.pr_DOI_config, DOI_set = self.pr_DOI_set) else: warning('The driver object in the device _init() is {}'.format(driver))
[docs] def start(self): """ Create a new thread and submits for execution Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> device.start() """ from ubcs_auxiliary.threading import new_thread self.threads['running'] = new_thread(
[docs] def stop(self): """ Orderly stop of the device code. - stops data acquisiion - erases all data from USB buffers - set digital IO to all high - closes usb port connection Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> device.stop() """ self.running = False self.driver.stop_scan() self.driver.flush() self.set_DIO('1111111') # turns all valves off self.driver.close_port()
[docs] def kill(self): """ Orderly self-destruction. kills all threads and deletes the instance. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> device.kill() """ self.stop() del self
[docs] def config_DL(self,baserate = None,dec = None, DOI_config = None, DOI_set = None): """ configure analog and digital channels, and rate via baserate and dec. Parameters ---------- value :: string Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> device.config_DL(baserate = 20000, dec = 5, DOI_config = '1111111',DOI_set = '1111111') """ debug('DL: config DL start') self.driver.config_channels(baserate = baserate, dec = dec, conf_digital = int(DOI_config,2), set_digital = int(DOI_set,2)) debug('DL: config DL end')
[docs] def config_DIO(self, value = '00000000'): """ configure direction of digital IOs. It takes a string with 8 characters, '0' or '1' where '0' - '1' - Parameters ---------- value :: string Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> device.config_DIO('00000000') """ if self.running: driver.config_digital(int(string,2)) reply = None else: reply = driver.config_digital(int(string,2), echo = True) return reply
[docs] def set_DIO(self, value = '00000000'): """ set digital input/output state Parameters ---------- value :: string Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> device.DIO = 127 """ if isinstance(value,str): value = int(value,2) self.driver.set_digital(value) self.io_push({'dio':value}) info('set DIO inside device daq library')
[docs] def set_outside_DIO(self, value = '00000000'): """ sets digital input/output state Parameters ---------- value :: string Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> device.DIO = 127 """ if isinstance(value,str): value = int(value,2) self.driver.set_digital(value) info('set DIO inside device daq library')
[docs] def get_DIO(self): """ get digital state from data queue """ return int(self.queue.peek_last_N(3)[-1,9])
DIO = property(get_DIO,set_DIO) ### Advance function
[docs] def run(self): """ This is a main fuction that will execute run_once function on the while running loop. Usually it gets submitted to a separate thread. This function collects data and puts it in the Ring Buffer. It is run in a separate thread(See main priogram) Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> """ from time import strftime, localtime, time info('Measurement thread has started') self.driver.readall() self.running = True self.driver.start_scan() while self.running: self.run_once() info('data acquisition thread has stopped')
[docs] def run_once(self): """ the repeated block executed in while running loop in the main run() thread Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> device.run_once() """ self.run_once_counter +=1 from numpy import array data, flag = (self.driver.get_readings(points_to_read = self.pr_packet_size)) = data debug(f'data from one reading cycle of the driver {data.shape}') debug(f'the length of pressure sensor is offset{len(self.pressure_sensor_offset)}') pressure_sensor_offset = array(self.pressure_sensor_offset) if flag: for i in range(8): try: data[:,i] = data[:,i] - pressure_sensor_offset[i] except: info('run_once') error(traceback.format_exc()) data[:,8] = self.run_once_counter self.queue.enqueue(data) else: info('buffer overflow') self.running = False
#####Auxiliary functions
[docs] def parse_binary(self,value = 0): """ takes an integer and converts it to 8 bit representation as an array. If float number is passed, it will be converted to int. """ from numpy import arange,ndarray,nan value = int(value) binary = format(value, '#010b') arr = arange(7) for i in range(7): arr[i] = binary[9-i] return arr
[docs] def unparse_binary(self,arr = array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])): """ takes an integer and converts it to 8 bit representation as an array. If float number is passed, it will be converted to int. """ from numpy import arange,ndarray,nan integer = 0 for i in range(len(arr)): integer += arr[i]*2**(i) return integer
[docs] def set_pressure_sensor_offset(self,dt = 3): """ set pressure sensor offset """ # wait for dt seconds # calculated offset and standard deviation # assisgn first 8 mean values(analog values) to # self.pressure_sensor_offset from time import sleep sleep(dt) freq = int(self.pr_rate) offsets = self.queue.peek_last_N(dt*freq).mean(axis = 0) stds = self.queue.peek_last_N(dt*freq).std(axis = 0) info('Pressure sensors offsets are %r and errors are %r ' %(offsets,stds)) self.pressure_sensor_offset = offsets[:8]
### Input-Output controller section
[docs] def io_push(self,io_dict = None): """ a wrapper that takes care of write command to the io module Parameters ---------- io_dict :: dictionary a string name of the variable Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> self.io_push() """ if self.io_push_queue is not None: self.io_push_queue.put(io_dict)
[docs] def io_pull(self, io_dict): """ a wrapper that takes care of 'read' command in the io module Parameters ---------- io_dict :: dictionary a key-value pairs Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> self.io_pull(io_dict = {'key':'value'}) """ if self.io_pull_queue is not None: for key, value in io_dict.items: info(f'received update to {key} to change to {value}')
if __name__ == "__main__": #for testing import sys flag = False if sys.argv[1] == 'mock': flag = True from tempfile import gettempdir import logging logging.basicConfig(filename=gettempdir()+'/icarus_device.log', level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s") from icarus_nmr.device_daq import Device device = Device() if flag: from icarus_nmr.driver_mock import Driver else: from icarus_nmr.driver_usb_bulk_di_4108 import Driver driver = Driver() device.bind_driver(driver) device.init() self = device